
Welcome to the new website

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The website has been the same for the past eight years! The design and functionality have not been taken care of that much. And with the update on the skin site about a year ago the spark in me, DanielRTRD, got me fueled upon making the site alive again. So for the past nine months, I have put in a whole lot of work to make this site as good as it should be. There will of course be a bunch of new features added in the coming months, this is just the start.

What's new?

We have added a new design for the front page with an easy-to-access download button and nesscecary info to get you started. Just below that, we have added an amazing video made by eldiosx, this will get a lot of new people to understand what the game looks like. Under this, we have some nice to have information about the game and users of the community.

If we move past this we have a section for the latest and most meaningful news for you the users. Everything from news about the website (like this one) and up-to-date news about the game or the team that develops this game. And if the video was not enough we have a basic slider with a bunch of screenshots from the game.

Then we have some history about the game and how it all got started. Just below this, we have some quick and easy-to-read features of the game. Since this game was released so many years ago, back in 2012, we have added a few existing media articles from back then. In the footer of the front page, we have yet again a download button and some info.

The website does now have dark mode and light mode, user-selectable, saved by your session or on your user when logged in. We have also added the possibility to translate the website into your language. Thanks to all the current contributors, JappaWakka, HamtaroSama, Lynthia, AKaravas and eldiosx! Some languages are already available, missing yours? Check out our blog post for a how-to contribute. That's that for the front page, let's move on to the most important part for you as the user.

Your P3D account

On this new website, we have added our authentication system where you can link up all of your other social accounts. This will make it easier for both us and you now and in the future for the website and game.

Once you have registered your P3D account you will be able to:

  • View, edit and add skins, just like you were able to on the skin site.
  • Link your profile to Game Jolt, Discord, your forum account, Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch
  • View or add your server to the list of servers
  • View, edit, or add resource packs (this was previously on the forum)
  • View or add a review of the game
  • View your in-game trophies (coming soon)
  • And much more features TBA


Have I lost all my skins from

No, once you have created a P3D account and linked up to your Game Jolt account you will be able to see them again.

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